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Strawberry Buster

3 parts Red Zinfandel wine
2 parts Coca-Cola
1 part Bacardi Silver O3

Special instructions:
Greg Taylor made this drink while at a college theatre cast party. For its odd call for ingredients, it's still popular. Since a party cup is listed as the beverage holder, and the ABV isn't quite known yet, the exact measure is never perfect, but if you're in a hurry for a buzz, start with this. The aftertaste is that of a nice sour strawberry. Enjoy, folks!It's easier to just guess when pouring one of these. The way you fill it is your choice, but the order is pyramid from largest to smallest, adding the extras afterward: White Z. first, then the Coke/Pepsi, then the Biaardi. Optional slice of strawberry or dallop of whipped cream. No need for mixing, watching the drink swirl (if you've done it right) is nice eye-candy for the prospective drinker who's next in line. The extras are just for kicks.

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